Monday, January 10, 2011

Review of the East Wind Bridal Show

Sunday was the Bridal Show at East Wind Caterers. When we first walked in, it was a little tricky to find where we needed to sign in for the show. We finally found the table and was told that there was a $15 fee per person (the website made it sound that there was only a charge if you waited to register).

We were let in at exactly 12 and were handed a bag and a few folders from Fantasia Bridal. There were not many vendors at this show, which you would have thought would be the opposite, but it was nice to walk around and talk to everyone. The Spa at East Wind had a table where they were giving complimentary hand and back massages (amazing – worth the $15 alone) and complimentary hair and make-up trials. The hair and make-up took too long so we did not get a chance to do that.

At 12:50pm they opened up the dining area. They had different stations set up. There was a mashed potato bar – complete with mashed and sweet potatoes and many different toppings to put on them. Then, they had a pizza and seafood station, pasta and meats, fruit and veggies, salad and little soup bread bowls. The food was good. It wasn’t anything too spectacular, but it was not the worst food I have ever had at a catering hall. The Penne a la Vodka tasted more like plain red sauce and the Rigatoni Bolognese tasted the same way. My fiancĂ©’s sister said that the bread bowl was amazing. She said it was buttery and light. My favorite dish was definitely the turkey. It had some sort of glaze on it and it was very yummy.

After dinner there was a DJ show. It seemed a little chaotic because they were serving dessert at the same time. The DJ kept saying “5 minutes until we start”. I have seen LI Sound perform at many different Bridal Shows in the past so their show was normal to me. However, every time the guy who plays the drums comes out, there are always "oohs and ahhs" from the audience. He is very good at what he does. Another new thing they had was a Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong impersonator. He sang “What A Wonderful World” remarkably well.

When the DJ was finished, After Hours went on with their band, and that is where the show went downhill. The band was awful. I could not imagine listening to them for 5 hours at a wedding. The people playing the instruments looked bored. One man actually looked like he was getting a root canal. The place cleared out. They sang a bunch of songs that varied from decade to decade and they showed what could potentially be for a cocktail hour, dinner time, father/daughter dance, etc. They finished the set off with “You’re the One That I Want” from Grease, which was awkward because it was an older gentleman singing with a young girl. Creepy.

At the end of the show they gave out the prizes. Astra, from WBLI was there and she called out the names. They had to go through a bunch of names before someone was present to get their gift. The gifts were pretty lame. You had to make serious purchases to even use the coupons. When she was finished, station interns, along with Astra, threw t-shirts at the crowd and then gave out a few free movie tickets. This was one of the best parts of the show.

All in all I am not sure if I would go to another Bridal Show at East Wind. There are so many more shows that are free and you get the same experience and then some. I will keep you all posted on more Bridal Shows as I hear about them! 

 Chrissy and Astra.

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