Friday, January 14, 2011

A Wedding Story - Chrissy and Danny

Danny Locrotondo and Chrissy Jones
The Engagement
My engagement story is a hoot! Here we go! As Danny and I approached our 2 year anniversary, I started to get that quintessential "girlfriend feeling" way down at the pit of my tummy that the famous "next step" could be surfacing rapidly. Of course, I did what most woman do during this specific time; Question! The nagging did not seem to faze Dan, as we both pressed forward with our weekly routines of driving back and forth between each others homes. A 45 minutes drive neither one of us could wait to get rid of.

February 12th marked our special 2 year anniversary. It came, and it went. Spring was near and for the 2 years spent together we planned our annual getaway. Florida was usually top pick. Can’t seem to get enough of Margaretaville in Orlando! That was our spot. We would be returning for the 3rd time. Our trip was set for April 4th. We planned on loading up the car and road tripping it all the way down I-95, stopping only for gas, bathroom break, and of course, a Waffle House, or Cracker Barrel. Naturally, in my head, THIS exact vacation was going to bring me that shiny shiny ring. I just knew it. (I could not have been more wrong.)

April 1st, 2009. Yes, that’s right. April Fools Day. For me, a typical Wednesday night at Dance class. Everything seemed about normal and ordinary. I did take notice at one point that the studio was pretty packed that night. Even a couple Moms were hanging around. None the less, Barbara Rocco’s Dance and Tumble was a pretty neat place to hang. I should know… I have been there since age 14!!! In the mist of all the dancing glory, my good friend Nicole comes up with a marvelous suggestion. She thinks I would be a grand idea for me to practice performing my solo in front everyone and she will even video tape it. This way, I can watch myself after and make minor, or major, corrections. Nicolle is so smart!!!! I jumped on that idea and away I went. Dancing and twirling while about 25 women sat perfectly still and watched. I must have been good.

Queue Dan. In walks my loving boyfriend. The funny thing was, I never flinched. I had requested he stop by and say hi. So I smile, wave, and continue circling and cart wheeling about. The he shouts over to me. “Come here!” How rude!!!! Can’t he see that I am performing?! I stop abruptly and walk over to him with a stern look in my eye. Dan reaches out with both hands to grab mine and says, “I have something to ask you. Will you marry me?”

Most ladies fall to the floor in love. Nope. I think pull back and shout, “Is this an April Fools?! Not funny!”

Dan had the last laugh when he pulled a diamond ring box out his baggy sweatpants pocket. Not only did I cry, but the entire dance studio cried. Of course, maybe it was the anticipation that set them off…. After all, they knew the whole time.

The Wedding Plan
The wedding plan was simple. We did not want one! The money, the stress, the planning. Not my forte and definitely not his!!! My mother said, "You have two options. ONE- Elope. TWO- Let me throw you the wedding of a lifetime! We will pay for everything and plan it all! Give us your input when you want and don't when you don't want to. Just show up and enjoy." SOLD!
The Wedding Information
Our wedding will be held on 9.10.11 at Giorgios in Baiting Hollow. A Saturday afternoon. The ceremony will start at 11am, cocktail hour is from 11:30am to 1pm, and the reception is 1pm to 5pm. We will have live music for both the ceremony and cocktail hour. And for the reception we will have a DJ and MC. We are super excited!!! The so far estimated cost is about $40,000.
A Tip for Brides
  • HIRE A PLANNER! Thank God for my mother. She has a doubled as mother-of-the-bride and wedding planner. If it was for her great taste, sense of style and class, and being so patient with us crazy bride and groom...none of this would be possible!!!!


  1. Wow Emily!!! I am honored! Thank you for posting my story!!! I hope others got a laugh at it as well!!! xxox

  2. Of course! I laughed, I cried. It was a feel good moment for the whole family :-)
